March break is a gift from the gods. Really. For Canadians, the winter school term can be described as “dreary”, “cold”, “dark”, and “a petri dish for mental illness”. Which means, March break is the final hallelujah, a signal that everything is up from here. Typically it contains daylight savings time, so it’s the beginning of being at home while the sun’s still up. It’s a time of rest, relaxation, and reconnection. It’s an opportunity for productive boredom, a concept I advocate for greatly.

This was my last high school March break. It was kinda shitty at times, not going to lie, but the good parts made it worth it. I got to spend some time by myself, and rediscover what I love about reading, writing, and learning. I played with flour and sugar for almost a week straight, watched too much Netflix, and started writing for the blog There were girls’ nights, and cards nights, and nights where I didn’t sleep. I reconnected with a friend, got dumped, and saw an aunt I love dearly. I saw what my future looks like.

It embodied what March break is supposed to be.

We celebrated the future and closed the past. My “What-If” ended, and I realised that sometimes you have to do something to know nothing will come from it.  I apologised to someone I hurt and was lucky enough for them to accept the apology. I made a new friend. It was a March break of coming full circle, of new experiences, and of hopeful beginnings.


Vague? Absolutely. Seemingly pointless? Without a doubt. But worth it? Yeah. Yeah, I’d say so.

Post Author: Laetitia

Welcome! I'm Laetitia, and you can find me either in the kitchen cooking for friends, perusing used bookstores with a cup of coffee, studying, or trying to plan my next adventure.

Currently, I'm a Postgraduate student at University College London in the Paleoanthropology and Paleolithic Archaeology program, and am living and studying in London! Throughout my academic career, I've completed an undergrad in Toronto and a year abroad in Glasgow and will continue to post about my pursuits and interests.

This space is meant to centralize the things that bring me joy, which encapsulates my academic pursuits, my hobbies, and my interests, so you'll find recipes next to travel posts, all within the context of pursuing a career in anthropology.

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Laetitia Walsh

Laetitia Walsh

Welcome! I'm Laetitia, and you can find me in the kitchen covered in flour, perusing used bookstores with a cup of coffee, studying, or planning my next adventure. Currently, I'm living in London, have a MSc in biological anthropology and archaeology, and am actively re-learning how to live a joyful life after struggling through the isolation during the pandemic. I keep track of the things that bring me joy here, on this little blog! Make yourself at home here in my little corner of the internet, and I hope you too are able to find a little joy in the ordinary.

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