Dear Grade 12 students,

You’re almost there. You’re almost done. You are so, so close. So, in light of that, I thought I should put together some tips for the last six months of your high school career. Take it as lightly or as deeply as you want, but above all, enjoy this time if you can. You’ve earned it.

  1. Eat as many of your parent’s home cooked meals(or the good dining hall food) as you can.

    Soon enough, all food this good is going to have to be paid for. Enjoy it while you can. Better yet, get them to teach you how to make it, so when you’re feeling homesick next year, you can too. Also, appreciate the little things that just happen to appear in your kitchen, like fresh produce. And cheese. And basically, anything that isn’t canned tomatoes, beans, soup, and mac and cheese. And instant ramen.

  2. Spend time with the people you care about, and cherish that time.

    Last year, my friends and I got to have coffee together almost every morning for a half an hour. It was typically the best part of my day. Take advantage of situations like that; lunches, breaks, anything that you get to do where you have time with your friends. It’s going to be hard not seeing them for so long

  3. Tell the people who drain you to fuck off.

    Unless they’re someone of authority. But other students? Go for it. You don’t have to put up with their soul-sucking bullshit.

  4. Calculate return on investment for your efforts and recalculate your life as needed.

    You’ve been busting your butt in class for how long? After you get your acceptance, take a look at your average minimum to maintain. Take a breath; it won’t be as high as your application average. Recalculate what classes you need, drop anything you don’t, and determine the courses you can relax in a little bit. For me, this was chemistry. I hated that course but took it all through high school, and MY GOD, being able to finally stop putting in so much effort for so little reward was incredible. Plus, it felt like a fantastically passive-aggressive way to give my miserable chem teacher the metaphorical middle finger.

  5. Let the fantastic teachers/other people you see at school know how much you appreciate them.

    There are a handful of teachers that truly shaped me as a person, and for that I am forever grateful. I don’t know if I actually would have graduated without the help of my incredible advisor, and my writer’s craft teacher who inspired me to actually try out this writing thing saw more of the students in his class than many knew existed. People like this won’t be everywhere, and make sure they know you’re thankful.

  6. Find a balance between the “I don’t give a fuck” and “If I fail this I’ll never go anywhere in life” attitudes.

    Seriously, you’re finally in a place where you can relax about your grades. Take advantage of it.

  7. Don’t panic for AP’s.

    Seriously guys, please. You’re going to be fine. If you’re going to a Canadian uni, they really don’t matter anyway. And besides, the exams themselves aren’t as hard as people say they are; I didn’t study for any of mine and got 4’s across the board, and I’m not one of those people of incredible intellect and memory. You’re going to be fineeeeeeee.

  8. Figure out what you’re wearing to your graduation early.

    You don’t want to do what I did and be looking for a dress two weeks before the ceremony. On that note, however, vintage clothing shops are fantastic for unique formal wear.

  9. Decide what matters to you.

    Determine what clubs or teams mean the most to you and if any are bringing you down. Get rid of the ones that are.

  10. Enjoy being the top dogs.

    Seriously, Y’all are just gonna be Froshies again in a few months’ time.


Hope this helps you guys out, get some sleep, everything is going to work out OK.



Post Author: Laetitia

Welcome! I'm Laetitia, and you can find me either in the kitchen cooking for friends, perusing used bookstores with a cup of coffee, studying, or trying to plan my next adventure.

Currently, I'm a Postgraduate student at University College London in the Paleoanthropology and Paleolithic Archaeology program, and am living and studying in London! Throughout my academic career, I've completed an undergrad in Toronto and a year abroad in Glasgow and will continue to post about my pursuits and interests.

This space is meant to centralize the things that bring me joy, which encapsulates my academic pursuits, my hobbies, and my interests, so you'll find recipes next to travel posts, all within the context of pursuing a career in anthropology.

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Welcome! I'm Laetitia, and you can find me in the kitchen covered in flour, perusing used bookstores with a cup of coffee, studying, or planning my next adventure. Currently, I'm living in London, have a MSc in biological anthropology and archaeology, and am actively re-learning how to live a joyful life after struggling through the isolation during the pandemic. I keep track of the things that bring me joy here, on this little blog! Make yourself at home here in my little corner of the internet, and I hope you too are able to find a little joy in the ordinary.

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