Between the crowded malls, picky receivers, and general lack of ideas of what to get someone, gift shopping is a bit of a nightmare. So here are my steps to a successful day!
- Get mentally psyched up for it. CHRISTMAS! YES! FINALLY! Drink 4 cups of coffee and immediately regret it because you can’t stop shaking.
- On the ride to the mall, think of everyone you have to buy for.
- Panic because that’s a lot of people and you don’t know what to get them.
- Come up with some ideas of what to get them.
- Panic because you have no money.
- Realize you missed the turn/exit/subway stop to get to the mall because you were panicking.
- Panic because you missed your stop.
- Actually arrive at the mall, finally.
- Realize just how crowded it is, because there ARE LITERALLY NO OPEN PARKING SPACES, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.
- Find a parking space, but it’s a half hour walk from the mall.
- walk to the mall and freeze your ass off, because CANADA.
- Get to the mall, realize that your caffeine has worn off and you feel dead, locate the closest coffee shop and reprioritize based on your caffeine needs.
- Get coffee. Feel better.
- Look at the mall map, and realize that you really suck at interpreting maps.
- Start going through stores. Realize you can barely breathe because there are so many freaking people.
- Panic
- Get more coffee to calm yourself down. Realize it did the opposite. Think you can fly.
- Pledge to switch to tea.
- Start shopping again. While waiting in line, feel someone knock your purse. Check it to make sure nothing was stolen.
- Panic because you can’t find your wallet.
- Find your wallet in a different pocket.
- Get to the front of the line.
- Realize you’re about 10 cents off in change, decide to pay with debit.
- Cringe at the $3 charge to pay with debit.
- Try to exit the store, set off the alarm.
- Panic
- Realize it was someone who ACTUALLY stole something that set off the alarm.
- Feel the wave of relief wash over you.
- Look at your watch, and decide to get lunch because it’s 1 pm and you’ve only had coffee.
- Decide to get chicken soup, because chicken soup is calming, right? right??
- Get run into, spilling the soup all down your front while trying to find a table.
- Use a hand dryer in an overcrowded washroom to try to dry out your top.
- Realize you smell like chicken.
- Go to a bath supply place and try to hide the smell with fruity body spray.
- Smell like a mixture of a 6th-grade dance and the caf at your high school.
- Give up on lunch, go back to shopping.
- Somehow end up in a bookstore.
- Buy yourself some stuff, because you’ve earned it.
- Look at your watch, and realize you only have an hour or so to go.
- Buy someone a fuzzy blanket. Cringe when it costs $50.
- Sit down, because you’re exhausted.
- Have someone approach you and try to sell you something.
- Buy it because you feel guilty.
- Realize you’ll literally never use whatever it was you just bought.
- Give up. Decide to go home.
- Fight against the hoards of people to get out of the mall.
- Finally breathe when you get back in your car.
- Drive home.
- Collapse on your couch. realize you didn’t actually finish your Christmas shopping
- Grab your laptop and order everything online, thanking a higher power for online shopping and wishing you had just done that to begin with.
- Pass out on the couch, pledge to never return to the mall again. Conveniently forget this next year.
Shot my coffee through my nose…SPOT ON!